Uncontrolled drinking alcoholic beverages adversely affects the human test. It is known to all, but only a few consciously limit themselves in alcohol. The dangers of drinking, say doctors, scientists, everywhere, to read special lectures conducted in the schools diagnosis in the adult population, but the problem with this not resolved. The alcohol of the dangers of they are strong that may lead to irreversible consequences.

How hat your health
Alcohol is harmless, not to call it. Many doctors believe that alcoholic beverages are unreasonably small, as a harmful. Replaced drink red wine every day can reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Brandy is able to prevent the stroke. Periodic reception of the spirits to clean the blood vessels, and prevents plaque. But uncontrolled drinking leads to irreversible consequences. The toxic effect of alcohol on the human body leads to irreversible changes in the liver, the heart, the book publisher. Causes of excessive alcohol consumption a number of reasons to stay, too much. Why do people do this? Why I don't drink alcohol, only in small doses? The answer lies in the chemistry, a test. Ethanol very rapidly integrated into metabolic processes in the body, the mint nicotine, without an external supplements, it is often uncomfortable feeling in the form of unhealthy needs. This is the first signs of addiction that should be treated, and then disappeared. Bad habits quickly ruin a life. The known alcoholism around the world. Suffer, wealthy segments of the population, and children of rich parents, a poor, unfair, victim, as well as successful. Alcoholic beverages don't answer the questions, but thanks to them, a person, the time you forget the questions you'll be able to rest, to relax. Sometimes, in moments of extreme stress, alcohol may be necessary, useful. But in such cases, situations are extremely rare.
The problem of alcohol on the body specified, or organs
Destroyed the walls of the small intestine. There are often a burning throat, in the stomach. A developing stomach ulcer, and gastritis. The system is not working properly. A food is a lie too long, it starts to rot, decay, the Heart, the blood vessels, the Walls of the vessels became thinner. Heart muscle weakening. Appear, a heart rhythm disorder, heart disease, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, people.
The most affected brain cells. Ethyl alcohol destroys the adipose tissue membranes nerve fibers. It seems, lethargy, reduced reaction. You lose your memory, can't be intelligent and logical thinking. Willpower falls to zero. A person is neutral, provided that another the. Develop neuropathy, which is associated with irreversible consequences.
Cirrhosis or fatty liver, the most common among others can be found in the complications. The test is no longer able to properly perform their functions. Shorter life expectancy.
Why is alcohol harmful? Ethanol can easily penetrate the shell of every cell. Carcasses may Be just a connection with water. So in the morning with a hangover always thirsty. Literally The alcohol sucks the life out of cell vitality in the form of a liquid, which is necessary for metabolic processes. Develops dehydration. How hat a test? Frequent alcohol consumption pathological addiction where a person is not able to fight on your own. Medical attention is required, medical treatment, psychological counseling. Ethanol is embedded in the metabolic processes is very easy, quickly, a organization then you feel that you need it. Alcoholism is a disease, which is the irresponsible victim.

The dangers of drinking to say, still in school, but a teenage stubbornness is resistant to the harmful habit. There is no Doubt that the family role. The children often copy a behavior, a parents. If the adults drink every day a beer, and a teenager, in following the example. The alcohol kills slowly but surely. Often, when people are aware of the problem, it's too late to change something. Ethanol is causing big damage in the body, which can't be beat. Half of liver to remove a part of the intestine and stomach. Not to mention a high risk of cancer.
Statistics, facts
A desire terrible alcohol consequences. Alcoholism Is a terrible unconscious victim approach to your own actions. Can't A person hold themselves to control a desires, actions. Dangerous than alcohol:
- 92% of all cases, violence is the state of a poisoning.
- 85% of first sexual experiences, the children fall into the state of alcohol intoxication.
- 73% of the pregnancies through light blue to the planned error and happens to the ghosts.
- Half a road accident happens because of a drunk driver.
- Families fall apart Half, because one of the spouses is suffering from alcoholism.
- Half of all murders committed in the state of alcohol intoxication.
- A quarter of suicide is, in this case, a terrible disease.
Statistics are scary. More harmful, but it's worse than alcoholism is not a other bad habits. Drugs act quickly and illegal. The nicotine addiction is suitable for easier treatment. What alcoholism brings to the most devastating damage. A who says a beer drinking most common in the world. He was sentenced to the light alcoholic beverage, beer is less harmful to the body. But it's not. A small percentage of ethanol in the drink, smooths the wrong impression. But beer I drink, one, who, according to the most common in the world, especially among teenagers. The mind blurred gradually. The effect of alcohol is not felt clearly. This morning the man realizes that completely volts yesterday, not high. This is a terrible insidious properties of light alcoholic beverages play has its own fateful role in the lives of young people. The toxic effect of alcohol can be a long time.
Damage to a woman's test
The women in particular are susceptible to alcohol addiction. It is due to This that a body hormonal. Women don't have the same power to the bad resist the habits than men. Are harder to fight a disease. What dose is safe for the women? A glass of red wine celebration will be advantageous. A glass of champagne and relax. But a bottle of Martini, drunk with his two friends, undoubtedly, impact on the health. Doctors, biologists claim that a women's test amount of eggs one particular, which will remain unchanged throughout life. This means that every dose of alcohol affect the eggs, which later become human. Common to observe young girls with a beer bottle in his hand. It seems that the adults. In fact, it seems to be too young, stupid, short-sighted. The problem is alcohol, for women closed, each dose of alcohol because of the toxic effects tend to accumulate. This is primarily impact on future offspring. No matter, that girl I stopped drinking or not. The fact that he was during his lifetime is reflected in the children. A terrible fact. The necessary to inform the young generation. Then Maybe their actions can't be so irresponsible.

A problem is that the words test
The problem is alcohol, the men primarily, obviously, if you experience erectile dysfunction. This is a nasty disease. The men, who consume alcohol, the early age, it's a disease, this is apparent in relatively early – 35 years old. Often the people ignore such precedents, but in time a problem becomes apparent. And then to go to a doctor, it's too late. Harmless, if a rare party with friends, after which one more day to rest? Hardly. A rare holiday severely disrupt the function of the prostate. Harmful effects Of alcohol on reproduction. The average sperm reach approximately forty days. This means that the consumption of alcohol during this period, the risk to the unborn child is born error increases.
Regular consumption of beer reduces the potency by 50%
Often the men think that the fajbiológia, a child depends on the mother, who must lead a high lifestyle, and not to make such claims himself. Negligence leads to catastrophic consequences: developmental disorders, heart disorders, allergies – what little you may not birth the child. Harmful effects Of alcohol on your health, especially for men. A connection to the words of the peculiarities of hormones more often in the men, women, mint, a deficiency, a thiamine or vitamin b can lead to polyneuropathy, which, in turn, can lead to irreversible changes in the body. The words literally becomes a stupid bastard. A mental capacity is limited. A reaction is decreased, the speech is confused. It doesn't look. Her eyes were foggy, blurry. Over time, in addition to the problem of a prostate may cause the leg wound or the hands. Even a small dose of harmful, not to mention the regular consumption of alcohol. Big men an organization with a great ability to digest quantities of alcohol, which reduces the perception and suppress a compliance.
A body effect of a teenager
Young women need bodies, vitamins, nutrients, adherence to a little bit. Instead, Teens are looking for a way to get a beer or other alcoholic beverages. Drink alcohol at events, which is completely unacceptable. Drinking alcoholic beverages during adolescence is particularly dangerous. A test young only the most Mature and take shape. The hormones are produced unevenly, which causes emotional outbursts, or depression. In the situation of aggravation of alcohol can cause hormonal problems:
- Inhibits the growth process.
- Slow a in growth a neural network in the brain.
- Puberty is incorrect, which further can cause infertility.
- Hormonal disturbance.
- Set out about habits, preferences.
- The formation of the environment leads to degradation.
- The lack of healthy interest in the sport, results.
- Damage to the internal organs.
Harmful alcohol -how a teen? The consequences could be disastrous. Faulty habits in adolescence may lead to an error row in adulthood. The teenagers are not able to rationally assess the situation, take responsibility for their actions. Under the influence of alcohol be a teenager's out of control. Several cases of fighting, injuries, wounds. The girls turned to the doctors to perform the abortion. The parents and several teachers, to closely monitor, a mood, a teenager and an addiction
What you need to do?
Encoding – most common method of treatment for an alcoholics. After an attack, a delirium tremens, the alcoholic will have to have a high institution, where the relatives and the doctors to decide what the next step should be. As a general rule, a under the skin in the long sewn of a drug effect, which is due to aversion, spirits this makes that an impossible process. A very effective method, but it works for a short time. As soon as the effects of the drug stop plaque buildup, the alcoholic breaks down, and a length in excess. An effective treatment is necessary to the victim for the doctor's care was a good result. Coding results often leave much to be desired. After cessation of the drug ember was drunk, he had lost consciousness, and then die. Alcohol is less harmful? What dose, how often? A change by red wine a day is not a person, is an alcoholic, as the measured parts of ghosts. When the control development of alcoholism. Treatment requires a comprehensive approach:

- The medicine.
- Under the supervision of doctors.
- With the aid of a psychologist.
- Consultation on a regular basis.
- Observation in a clinical setting.
- Investigation, medical examination to determine the extent of damage to the body.
- Full refusal of alcohol.
Alcohol removal of An entire human body takes 14 days. This means that for two weeks I don't drink alcohol, in order to ensure that I'm sober. The device boasts they're enviable, that his state of health. Remember you need to get the most ethanol – up to 83% of the digestible in the small intestine. Often alcoholism leads to cancer of the small intestine. This is a very unpleasant disease, which often causes damage to cancer of other organs. Harmful effects Of alcohol on human health, especially for those who are not able to control their own weaknesses, whims. The moderate amount of alcohol can be very helpful in attaining the therapeutic goals. A teenage children alcohol completely unacceptable.